Note: The Mayor of Cleveland appoints the board members of the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, giving the Mayor effective control of the district.
A city of literate, compassionate citizens who are able to learn continually, achieve their full potential, and participate in the civic life of the city.
How will schools help students recover from the lost year of the pandemic?
When will Ohio stop the unfair and illegal practice of relying on local property taxes to fund public schools?
How can the city work with local schools, colleges and universities, libraries, and other institutions to create a seamless environment of life-long learning for all residents?
Decades of sprawl development have left the urban core of the region with a high concentration of poverty and reduced tax base to pay for schools. To eliminate these unfair disparities, shouldn’t we be advocating for a county-wide school district in Cuyahoga County?
Support community programs that extend basic K-12 education, such as universal pre-K and the Say Yes Cleveland college scholarship fund.
Cleveland is one of the worst Internet-connected cities in the nation. Support efforts to reduce the digital divide.
The majority of Cleveland residents are functionally illiterate. Support community programs for adult learning.
Advocate for state reform of school funding and against vouchers which siphon funds from public schools.
Promote honest education that teaches the hard truths about America’s history of colonialism, racism, and discrimination.
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