

Note: The Mayor of Cleveland appoints the board members of the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, giving the Mayor effective control of the district.


A city of literate, compassionate citizens who are able to learn continually, achieve their full potential, and participate in the civic life of the city.


  • How will schools help students recover from the lost year of the pandemic?

  • When will Ohio stop the unfair and illegal practice of relying on local property taxes to fund public schools?

  • How can the city work with local schools, colleges and universities, libraries, and other institutions to create a seamless environment of life-long learning for all residents?

  • Decades of sprawl development have left the urban core of the region with a high concentration of poverty and reduced tax base to pay for schools. To eliminate these unfair disparities, shouldn’t we be advocating for a county-wide school district in Cuyahoga County?



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